Piano Stool Makeover with Annie Sloan

Piano Stool Makeover Made it My Own with Annie Sloan

I love picking up second hand furniture for our home. I scour the car boot sale most weeks and spend an unhealthy amount of time on eBay searching for the right pieces.

Recently, Milla took up piano lessons and needed a stool to sit at the piano. It took a couple of weeks but I found this beautiful stool in Portsmouth for a tenner. Originally it came with green velvet upholstery and it was crying out to be brought up to date.

Handily I was making a film with the team at Annie Sloan as part of the Made it My Own campaign and this was the perfect project! Ann kindly recovered the seat for me which instantly gave it a lift and it was ready for Milla and I to give it some colour.

Here’s the video of us painting.

If you can’t see the embedded viewer, click here to view it on YouTube.

Is it terrible to admit I wasn’t convinced by chalk paint at first? Having never properly tried it before this year I wasn’t sure if it would be any different than using emulsion for my projects.

After working on this stool I can safely say that I love using Annie Sloan chalk paint. I was really happy with how the colour mixed and how quickly I was able to complete – I did two coats and waxed the stool in one day.

Made it MY Own With Annie Sloan After

Don’t you think the piano stool is so much more me now? I’m adding it to the gallery of #MadeItMyOwn projects by tagging the picture on Instagram. What would you paint?

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  • Reply domestic goddesque August 5, 2015 at 7:30 am

    Love the bold colour choice: mine always tend to be wussy neutrals! I am sorely tempted to have a go withAnnie Sloan now though. So many things I could repaint….
    domestic goddesque recently posted…Ten Dog Instagram accounts you should be followingMy Profile

    • Reply Kat August 10, 2015 at 11:59 pm

      Thanks Kelly! You should totally give it a try x

  • Reply Angela @Little Apple Tree August 8, 2015 at 2:19 pm

    I love the video, and particularly that you got Milla to help. I’ve got an Annie Sloan painted dresser (Paris Grey) which I adore but I’m afraid I wasn’t brave enough to do it myself and got a company to paint it for me! I think I’d be inclined to give something small a go now after seeing your video. Everyone always says that the wax is difficult to work with, but you seemed to get on okay with it…
    Angela @Little Apple Tree recently posted…Bara BrithMy Profile

    • Reply Kat August 11, 2015 at 12:01 am

      I promise it’s really easy. I’m doing a very simple flat finish but if you want to do some of the more fancy techniques there are great classes at Annie Sloan stockists around the country x

  • Reply Kara August 15, 2015 at 8:44 pm

    Love this. The colours are awesome. I love painting furniture xx
    Kara recently posted…My Siblings in AugustMy Profile

  • Reply Clare February 12, 2016 at 5:53 pm

    This looks fab and your instructions are great. I love the colour – please could you let me know what mix quantities did you use to get the hot pink?

    • Reply Kat April 12, 2016 at 10:18 pm

      Hi Clare, I’m not sure of exact quantities as it was done by eye but roughly 4 parts white, 2 parts burgundy and 1/2 to 1 part emperor’s silk. Mixed in that order until the colour looked right.

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