Finding Autumn


Autumn days when the grass is jeweled and the silk inside the chestnut shell….


Jet planes meeting in the air to be refuelled….


All these things I love so well….


Did anyone else sing that at school? I went to a very Christian primary school and sang daily from the Come and Praise book. I’m pretty sure that Autumn Days was one of our favourites to sing – the words still seep into my consciousness all these years later as the seasons turn and Autumn greets us.

This has to be one of my favourite seasons, I feel giddy in the Spring and cosy in Winter but Autumn just fills me with the greatest joy every time.

The smells envelop you – wood smoke, damp leaves, frosty air. And there is so much colour everywhere. From the produce at the market to the wonderful display of the turning and falling leaves. Yes, this is the season that fills me up.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

I have been working on a special Pinterest board of Autumn and Winter Family Fun inspiration to celebrate UNIQLO’s new children’s range. The board is now live and I will be adding a few more ideas over the next week.

Given that we are about to have one of the coldest winters in a century (so I hear) it is definitely worth ordering thermals and snug outerwear now so you can keep enjoying the great outdoors when the big chill hits us.

Autumn 5

I have been grabbing my camera or phone at every opportunity to capture the season when I’ve been out and about. I do think being out of doors is incredibly important for children especially at this time of year when the weather could chase us indoors.

Need convincing? Take a look at the trailer for Project Wild Thing and then get outside!

I was paid for my work on the UNIQLO Pinterest board. For more information please read my disclosure for readers page. Kat xoxo

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  • Reply TheMadHouse October 16, 2013 at 2:25 pm

    That is my favorite Autumn hymn. I too went to a very christian primary school
    TheMadHouse recently posted…A home made dream catcher made my MiniMy Profile

  • Reply Rachael October 16, 2013 at 10:24 pm

    You know, I don’t remember that one and my school was good old C of E. However, my daughter, who is at the same school I went to, requested that I google it for her the other day. Some of the lyrics seem a bit tenuous to me. It must sound good when everyone sings it together because she loves it. It’s harvest festival on Friday so maybe I’ll find out.
    Rachael recently posted…52 weeks of happy: 40/52 and 41/52My Profile

  • Reply October 17, 2013 at 8:44 pm

    my goodness that takes me back! I can just hear it now, the plinkity plonkety old school piano, all sat cross legged, ”so I mustn’t forget, no I mustn’t forget, to say a great big thank you, I mustn’t forget”. recently posted…wordless wednesdayMy Profile

  • Reply Katie October 21, 2013 at 3:45 pm

    What gorgeous pictures! My kids learned that song at school last year and it made me SO happy to hear them sing it together. So sweet!

  • Reply Kat November 7, 2013 at 11:50 am

    You won’t believe which song my children’s school opened their harvest festival with…

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